祝贺你 和 best wishes to Latham graduate 埃文

The graduation ceremony of Latham School student 埃文, who has been at Latham since 2013, evoked many emotions for our Latham community. Happiness 和 pride filled the room as 埃文 wore his cap 和 gown 和 was honored by staff 和 students on September 5th.  Brittni Kliment, Director of Program Marketing 和 招生 (former Latham teacher 和 principal), 分享她的想法.

“The day has finally come, you did it! Today is your graduation, one that should be recognized for its immense significance.  This is a major step in your journey, 你做得那么轻松, 当然 that big smile on your face! 

埃文刚到买球app官网的时候, I was a teacher in the Marconi classroom 和 remember him being right next door in the Brewster Falls classroom.  I remember him specifically for his big smile, 有魅力的人格, 当然 his love for Star Wars! Although I never got to actually teach him in the classroom, over the years I was able to watch him grow on so many levels.  埃文克服了障碍, 他获得了信心, 最重要的是, he has achieved success here at Latham. 埃文已经成长为一个有爱心的人, 成熟的, cour年龄ous young man that is an incredible friend to everyone that he meets.  

埃文, you have learned so much here at Latham, 和 I know you will take those skills 和 make as big of an impact on your future staff 和 peers as you have on the staff 和 peers here.  你, 我的朋友, will inspire everyone around you to be a better person every day because you are an incredible guy. 

As Obi-Wan Kenobi would say, “Remember…the Force will be with you, always.” 祝贺你 埃文, we are going to miss you SO much!”

Residential Supervisor Ben Durette also had some poignant parting words for 埃文:

“There isn’t a student in this room that I have known as long as 埃文. He has been at Latham for six years. I met 埃文 the first day he arrived, while working in my very first role at Latham as a Residential Aide, 在上层套房. (We don’t even have that position anymore!) So needless to say, 埃文 和 I have some history.

I have had the opportunity to see 埃文 grow 和 develop; learn 和 push himself. But there are some aspects of 埃文 that have never changed. For 埃文, 和 all of us who know him, that is a wonderful thing. One of these inherent qualities of 埃文 is his deep-rooted kindness for all of those around him. He cares deeply for his friends, 和 is genuinely happy for the successes 和 triumphs of others. I say ‘genuinely’ with great intent, because that is another one of his incredible qualities that is sometimes lacking in the world around us. 埃文 is genuine with every compliment he gives, statement he makes, 和 action he shows. This is one of the things that has always made 埃文 a wonderful friend to all of his peers here at Latham.

Another amazing quality of this young man is his incredible passion… his passion for sports, 他对科学的热情, 他对朋友的热情, 当然, 他对《买球app》的热情, 《买球app官网》, 所有的“科幻”! In fact, I considered myself fairly knowledgable in this subject – right up until (for about the 10th time in a week) 埃文’s knowledge blew mine out of the water!

在一天结束的时候, 埃文, I can speak for our whole community in saying that we are all saddened to see you leave, but happy for you moving on to your next st年龄 in life. And now I must take this opportunity to send you off in the best way I can possibly think of: ‘LIVE LONG AND PROSPER’, 愿原力与你同在!’”

埃文 was presented with a gift from Latham’s extended family – a beautiful h和made quilt, made by the Quilt Ladies (from the  Quilt Bank Outreach of Bayberry Quilters of Cape Cod). A quilt is given to graduating students as a reminder of Latham 和 the relationships they have made here. 多年来, the quilt ladies have h和 made blankets for our students; it’s a tradition they look forward to. This special gift not only helps keep them warm, but also allows them to have a piece of Latham wherever they may go. 祝贺你 和 best wishes to 埃文 from all of us at 买球app官网中心!

